
"To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth."

-Richard Baker, American Congressman

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Greatest Country in the World?

Well, I still think we are, but we've got a hell of a lot wrong with us.

"British, U.S. Kids Worst Off in Industrialized World, UN Says"

This is really quite shocking:

"The United States was last among the 21 countries for health and safety, measured by rates of infant mortality, low birth weight, immunization, and deaths from accidents and injuries.

Britain was last in the family and peer relationships ranking, which measured such things as the rate of single-parent families and whether families ate the main meal of the day together more than once a week.

Britain also finished at the bottom in behaviours and risks, which considered factors such as the percentage of children who ate breakfast, consumed fruit regularly, were overweight, used drugs or alcohol or were sexually active.

The United States was second last in both the family and peer, and the behaviours and risks categories."

What good is all of this prosperity if people aren't safe, healthy and happy?

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