
"To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth."

-Richard Baker, American Congressman

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Food Deserts

And I'm not writing that incorrectly. "Dessert" has 2 esses because you always want more of it.

Chicago's Health Commissioner, Dr. Terry Mason, has presented a study that shows that residents of "Food Deserts," often poor, urban areas where there are few grocery stores but many fast-food restaurants, suffer much worse health problems than their more wealthy counterparts. Wealth=Health, once again.

"Mason's comments were in response to a new study that concludes that residents of such areas in the city are more likely to die prematurely from diabetes, cancer and heart disease, as well as suffer from obesity and hypertension."

Chicago Tribune Article

Here's a list of "diet" foods to avoid that most people would consider very healthy (think rice cakes). From zonediet.com

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