
"To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth."

-Richard Baker, American Congressman

Thursday, August 12, 2010

You Aren't What You Own

For a while now, America's economic growth has been fueled by consumption, and that consumption was enabled largely by growing public and private debt. Though Jimmy Carter was ridiculed for his lecture to the American people about the dangers of such pervasive materialism, he had a point, it turns out.

Now there is a movement among some segments of the populous who are rejecting the rat race, the pursuit of flat screen HDTVs, multiple homes, and fancy cars. And they're happier because of it. Money, it turns out, only buys happiness up until a certain point of comfort. Once we have achieved a moderate level of wealth, able to pay for good food, shelter, nice clothes, and entertainment, it doesn't take too much more to make us pretty miserable.

There's a great (and popular) article in this week's New York Times
about the people who are leading a movement toward frugality. And they're happier for it.

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