
"To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth."

-Richard Baker, American Congressman

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hey, Big Spender

My friend Kim sent me an article about evolution playing a part in male spending. It's not a huge surprise that men spend money to attract mates, but it is fascinating to find that there is a direct correlation between the amount they spend as a percentage of income and how many sexual partners they have and desire in the future.

From a LiveScience article posted on Yahoo News -

"It is partially a result of our economic system and recent financial policies, but I really do think that our evolved mating strategies have an influence. Our competition for economic displays drives our consumer economy and culture of affluence.

"In terms of the current mortgage crisis, the findings suggest that one of the reasons why we overextend ourselves is that we're basically in a status race. We have expectations that spiral upward as people make more money, and everyone wants to show that they are better than average."

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