
"To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth."

-Richard Baker, American Congressman

Monday, February 25, 2008

Mess with Texas

You might already know that Texas has the highest percentage of uninsured in the country (25%). That rate is a bit inflated because it counts many illegal immigrants, but that's the reality of the situation (and one shared by many border states). It affects hospital emergency rooms and the insurance premiums that Texans pay. It affects how long you will wait in an emergency room if you need urgent care.

The Austin American-Statesman has a pretty recent article about the plight of several Texans who are without health insurance or have gone without it for some time and suffered financial and/or health-related hardship because of it. It's pretty easy to imagine this happening to a friend or relative.

Whatever you think of the politics of the situation, you'd better protect yourself. Health insurance is not a luxury. It should be as much of a priority as keeping the lights on in your house and food in the fridge. You should not have leather seats in your car or a DVD player or expensive new jeans but no health insurance.

Something has to change in the Lone Star State.

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