
"To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth."

-Richard Baker, American Congressman

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The American Prospect Progressive Perspective

Please don't read that title aloud. You'll get saliva all over your computer screen.

Here is an interesting critique by Ezra Klein of the current, employer-sponsored health insurance system.

"There is no earthly reason for employers to control not just their workers' salaries, but their health security, too. There is no justification for a health system that dissuades would-be entrepreneurs from testing their brilliance, or unhappy laborers from striking out on their own, or disgruntled workers from leaving their positions. Nor is there a compelling rationale for forcing employers to assume the moral burden of providing medical coverage, or putting the generous employer at a competitive disadvantage because his competitor offers barebones coverage, or having GM pay more for health care than steel. On every level, in every way, the employer-based system is unjust, inefficient, and unwise. No plan that preserves it should be considered acceptable."

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