
"To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth."

-Richard Baker, American Congressman

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


These really are some good tips to keeping up your workout by Men's Health, including this hilarious tidbit:

20. Blackmail yourself
Take a picture of yourself shirtless, holding a sign that shows your e-mail address. Then e-mail it to a trusted but sadistic friend, with the following instructions: "If I don't send you a new picture that shows serious improvement in 12 weeks, post this photo at hotornot.com and send the link to the addresses listed below...." (Include as many e-mail addresses -- especially of female acquaintances -- as possible.) 'It's nasty, but extremely effective,' says Alwyn Cosgrove.

Other suggestions include burning a workout CD (read: iPod mix), scheduling workouts for the following month, and changing workout partners (your old one lets you slide too easily).

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