
"To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth."

-Richard Baker, American Congressman

Monday, June 26, 2006

Gum Disease

Taking care of one's teeth is extremely important. My dentist from Albany, NY, Bob Hill, likes to say, "Don't floss all of your teeth; just the ones you want to keep." Preventive care is so much easier, less painful, and much less costly, than procedures to correct the effects of poor dental care. Gum disease is just one of the nasty things to which you can look forward, should you prefer not to floss.

aHealthyMe article discusses prevention and treatment:

"Fortunately, gum disease in the early to middle stages can usually be stopped by practicing good hygiene and dental treatment. If you don't have dental insurance or enough money to see a dentist or hygienist, call your county health department and ask for a listing of dental offices that provide free and low-cost services, including teeth cleanings. "

In Miami-Dade county, call (305) 324-2400 for information on healthcare available to low-income individuals, or visit dadehealth.org.

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