
"To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth."

-Richard Baker, American Congressman

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This Is News?

"MP3 Players Might Harm Hearing"

Yeah, and vuvuzelas just might do the same thing. I suppose it's noteworthy that the researchers found that hearing was temporarily harmed by listening to an MP3 player at high volume, which I assume leads to louder and louder playing volume and further damage. Then, after 30 years, the iPod generation(s?) will be completely deaf.

If you own an iPod, you might consider setting the max volume at a level that does not hurt your ears, even in quiet surroundings. Then you can be assured that you won't destroy your hearing when you're listening to your music on the plane or at the gym. This is how it is done -

-Volume Limit
-Use Clickwheel to set maximum volume
-If you're doing it on your punk kid's iPod, you can even set a combination, or just click "Done."

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