
"To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth."

-Richard Baker, American Congressman

Thursday, February 25, 2010

2010 Is Gonna Be the Best Year Ever

I can't believe that I haven't posted anything this year. I've been more focused on my restaurant blog, I suppose.

Well, here are a few articles that have grabbed my attention, as of late -

Strokes Are Increasing Among Young

This is surprising, but I do have a young friend who recently had a mild one. I get queazy just thinking about it. I also feel pain in my chest when I think about heart attacks. I'm quite squeamish.

"The best way to ward off strokes, heart attacks, and a host of other diseases is to eat right, exercise, and refrain from smoking."

The Danger of Taking Aspirin Daily

Check with your doctor on this one, or tell your parents to do so if they're the ones you're worried about, like I was.

"Now, medical experts say some people who are taking aspirin on a regular basis should think about stopping. Public-health officials are scaling back official recommendations for the painkiller to target a narrower group of patients who are at risk of a heart attack or stroke. The concern is that aspirin's side effects, which can include bleeding ulcers, might outweigh the potential benefits when taken by many healthy or older people."

12 Steps To Boost Your Health For Life

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook and it's wonderful advice. Try this one - Drink more water. It'll give you more energy and "crowd out" other bad foods and beverages you might be consuming.

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