
"To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth."

-Richard Baker, American Congressman

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Blood Clot Crying

I don't think any of my readers are Jamaican. That's not the point, though. Harvard researchers have concluded that travel, during which a person is seated for 2 hours at a time or more, at least doubles the risk of blood clot. The article was on Drudge Report, so you've probably read it already, but it seems important enough to get the story out to as many as possible.

From Reuters -

"Women who are pregnant or take birth control pills and the obese have an especially high risk, they found."

It's still only 1 in every 4,600 trips, but as the researchers point out, there are 2.5 billion passengers that will fly in 2010. So, every 2 hours, you should stop the car or get up from your seat on the plane and stretch your legs.

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