
"To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth."

-Richard Baker, American Congressman

Monday, February 14, 2011

Let's Hug It Out

The health benefits of a hug are many. Read here in ThirdAge all of the reasons why, among them -

[H]ere’s what the researchers discovered about the power of the hug:

• Blood pressure soared in the no-contact people. Their systolic (upper) reading jumped 24 points, more than double the rise for huggers, and their diastolic (lower) also rose significantly higher.

• Heart rate increased 10 beats a minute for those without contact compared with five beats a minute for huggers. 
• Both men and women were seen to have higher levels of oxytocin after the hug. 
• People in loving relationships were found to have higher levels of the hormone than others.
• All women had reduced levels of cortisol following the hug, as well as reporting the blood pressure benefits.